Saturday, December 21, 2013

The first iPhone had violated all the plans of developers Android - KompyuterraLab

Author: Mikhail Karpov December 20, 2013

first prototypes of Android were not like that system, which is installed on about b lshuyu part of mobile devices now. It was more like a date at the time BlackBerry OS. Everything changed after the announcement of iPhone, and new evidence suggests that it has influenced the current iPhone interface Android.

Before , and after

In a recently published book about the “war” of Google and Apple are the words of a former engineer Apple, has passed into the team on the development of Android, when it was just beginning. “I as a consumer literally” blown away. ” I would like iPhone immediately – he says about the announcement of the first smartphone model Apple. – But, being an engineer Google, I realized that now we have to start with a clean slate ».

Andy Rubin, until recently, the main developer of Android, also recalls that the presentation of Apple broke all the plans of his team. “Damn it, we have not release this phone,” – he said then, referring to the device Sooner, which was to be the first smartphone based on the Android interface and the interface which closely resembled the BlackBerry OS.

a result, developers have switched to the device with a touch screen, and release system has been postponed for a year. The first smartphone based on it became HTC G1.

See also


wait …

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